Prayer Suggestions for Children

Prayer Box - By Craig
Have the kids put their name on an index card, and jot down a personal prayer request. When finished place the cards into a prayer box. At the end of class, have each child pull out one card from the box and have them pray for that person during the week.

Open Prayer Journal - By Craig
Purchase a spiral notebook and put the date of each Sunday in the top corner. Have the book open to the appropriate page each Sunday and displayed in a prominent place. Encourage the children to write down any prayer requests or praises as they arrive each Sunday. They can also look at previous pages to see what prayers were answered. The journal can be referred to during class prayer time, or the requests can be reviewed at the end of class and given to the children to prayer for during the week.

Wall of Prayer - Author unknown
To encourage prayer requests make a "Wall of Prayer." Hang up a piece of newspaper (end rolls from local papers may be free) or you can use butcher block paper. Allow the children to write their prayer requests on the paper after they have shared their requests with the class. It is a faith building visual reminder of the prayers and allows for great follow-up on prayers when they get answered.

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Revised: August 29, 2002.