These Guides are presented to assist your personal seasons of prayer.
Prayer Strategy for Revival - from Elaine Pettit Ministries
Worship, Submit, Listen, Respond
ABC's - Abiding, Believing, Confronting
Prayer Suggestions for Children
Prayer Clock - covers all the components of prayer
A.C.T.S. - (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication)
A.C.T.S.S. - (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication, and Surrender)
The R.S.V.P. Model - (Repentance, Seeking, Vision, Prayer)
P.R.A.Y. - (Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield)How to Pray for One Hour Per Day
Concert of Prayer - for corporate prayer
The Hand of Prayer - an prayer guide for evangelism
Creative Prayer Ideas - add some variety to your personal and small group prayer
ACTS Acrostic for Prayer with Bible References
How to Pray for Believers and Unbelievers
Seven Keys to a Mission-Centered Prayer Life
Questions to Consider When Beginning or Evaluating a Local Prayer Ministry
"Sharing Your Faith" Bookmark from Christian Renewal Ministries
I Cannot Pray - a reflection on the Lord's Prayer
France 2001 - March 7 - April 15, 2001
We believe that all the guides are either original or the sources have been properly credited. If you would like to contribute your own original prayer helps, please send it to us, and we will review it for possible inclusion on this page.
For more helpful Bible studies and guides on prayer, click here to go to the Prayer Resources section of our links page.
Copyright � 2001 Christian Renewal Ministries. All rights
Revised: August 16, 2005.