What We Believe

What We Believe

1. The Bible. We believe in the divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures by which the way of salvation is inerrantly revealed, and that whatever is not contained in this Holy Book of God is not to be enjoined as an article of faith or required as a Christian practice.

2. The Triune Godhead. We believe in both the trinity and the unity of the Godhead: that He is only one God, eternal, infinite and holy in nature, attributes and purpose; that He is revealed in essential being as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

3. Jesus Christ. That He was eternally one with the Father and the Spirit, that He became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary, becoming the God-man. We believe that He died for our sins, that He arose from the dead and ascended into Heaven where He intercedes for us. We believe He is the Head of the Church and the coming Ruler of the world.

4. The Holy Spirit. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Triune Godhead, that just as He attended Jesus Christ in His mission on the earth, so He is ever present and efficiently active in and with the Church, convicting of sin, regenerating and indwelling and sanctifying and guiding into truth all who believe and obey Christ as Lord. The Holy Spirit distributes gifts as He wishes to individual members of the church body.

5. Sin. We believe that sin came into the human family through the disobedience of Adam and Eve, and that death came as a result of sin. We believe that sin is two-fold in nature: Original and Personal. We believe that Original Sin (depravity) is that corruption of human nature by which every offspring of Adam is far gone from original righteousness, is inclined to evil and without spiritual life. We believe that Personal Sin, or Actual Sin, is an act or an attitude of violating the Word of God on the part of a morally responsible person. Personal sin may be defined as the transgression of a known law, stepping over the line, falling short of the glory of God, disobedience to the Word of God, or simply as unbelief.

6. Atonement. We believe that Jesus Christ in His suffering on the cross of Calvary made full atonement for all human sin, and that this atonement is the only ground of salvation, and that it is sufficient for every one of Adam's race who believes. We believe that this atonement is graciously efficacious for the salvation of children in their innocency and for the incapacitated.

7. The New Birth. We believe that regeneration is a gracious act of God whereby the believer in Jesus Christ is granted a moral nature and spiritually quickened to experience faith, love and obedience; we believe that justification is that gracious and judicial act of God whereby the believing sinner is granted full pardon and complete release from the penalty of sin and is accepted by the Father as righteous in the merits of the righteousness of Christ; we believe that adoption is that gracious act of God by which the justified and regenerated believer is constituted a child of God; we believe that regeneration, justification and adoption are simultaneous in the experience of believing in Jesus Christ, that believing is preceded by repentance; we believe that the Holy Spirit bears witness to this state of grace in the assurance of salvation.

8. Holiness and Sanctification. We believe that holiness is the state of wholeness and purity to which all believers are called and that sanctification is God's provided means of grace whereby the believer is made holy. We believe that sanctification is both a definite happening and an ongoing process, that as a believer confesses his or her undoneness, it is the work of the Spirit to cleanse from all unrighteousness; but that the sanctifying work of the Spirit must continue, allowing the believer to experience the glory of God from one degree to another. We believe that it is the purpose of the Holy Spirit to enable the believer to have victory over sin; however, we do not teach "sinless perfection."

9. The Church. We believe that all true believers are members of the Church of Jesus Christ, a covenant community that confesses Jesus Christ as Lord. We believe that God has called the Church to express itself in unity and fellowship of the Spirit, in worship, prayer, the proclamation of the Word, observance of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper, and to become salt and light to the world. We believe the mission of the Church is to continue the redemptive work of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit through holy living, evangelism, discipleship and loving service. We believe the Church exists as both a local congregation and a universal body, that it should be organized according to the New Testament plan and should function according to the spiritual gifts measured out to the members by the Holy Spirit.

10. Prayer. We believe that prayer is God's ordained means by which He empowers the Church through the Holy Spirit to do the work to which He has called her, and that every ministry and work should proceed from and be covered by the power of prayer. We believe that prayer should be both a private and corporate experience, that individual believers should observe the secret closet method as taught by our Lord and that believers together should form the Upper Room company (Acts 2:1-4) to intercede for everything God has called the Church to do.

11. The Second Coming of Christ. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ shall return and claim those who are abiding in Him and take them to be with Him eternally.

12. Resurrection, Judgment, Eternal Destination. We believe in the resurrection of the dead, that the bodies of both the just and the unjust shall be raised to life and reunited with their spirits, the righteous unto the resurrection of life and the unrighteous unto the resurrection of damnation. We believe in the future judgment for both believers and unbelievers: at the Judgment Seat of Christ the stewardship of believers will be reviewed by the Lord Himself, and each shall be rewarded according to his or her works; at the Great White Throne judgment unbelievers shall be found to have been finally unrepentant and judged according to their works and sentenced to suffer eternally in hell.

13. Revival. We believe that the Church Age is the Age of the Holy Spirit and that the outpourings of the Holy Spirit are to characterize the Church Age, that the Pentecostal outpouring as recorded in Acts 2 was but the beginning of such releases of divine life and cleansing and power, and that periodically God calls His people to prepare their hearts for new life in the Spirit. We believe that God's required conditions for revival on the part of His people are humility, prayer, intimacy, repentance, holiness, obedience and faith. We believe that another full-scale, historic spiritual awakening is essential to the completion of the Great Commission.

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This page was last modified 06/09/02.